Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Republican Women Clubs

I would like to thank all of the RWCs for inviting me to say a few words at their meeting or meet the candidate forum. The last month has been busy with precinct walking and meetings. I have also been doing my homework and research on my November opponent and believe I have found one very strategic weakness.

One would have to be a complete dullard with a brain full of mush to believe my opponent is a slam dunk in November. I certainly don't believe that. In fact, I know she is as vulnerable as a new born pup.

I will continue with more information in my next post. Don't want to give away too much information at this time.

Oh, before I forget, I don't believe in disabling public safety no matter how severe the alleged budget crisis is portrayed to be. I used to be a volunteer fireman so I know what it takes to not only become a fire fighter but what it takes to stay proficient. If I was already in office, I would never vote to reduce public safety.

Enough said for now...